Share your suggestions
on how Guardians can help keep bikers safe
on how Guardians can help keep bikers safe
Some examples:
⚫ Leaving extra space for a motorcycle in front of you
⚫ Gesturing to a left (or right)-turning motorist about an oncoming motorcycle ⚫ Safely shielding or "running interference" between a motorcyclist and traffic, including a vehicle that may be pulling out into a bike's path ⚫ Stopping to aid a motorcyclist involved in an accident |
⚫ Documenting accident scenes
⚫ Taking a license plate, videotaping or calling 911 on motorists that are endangering a motorcyclist ⚫ Safely pulling over on the side of the road if a biker appears to need help. ⚫ Subtly influencing traffic patterns to improve a proximate biker's safety, including creating more "traffic padding". |